What do you think is worse than being targeted with harassment just because of your race, sex, religion, colour, gender, size, orientation, disability, age, or origin? What about being targeted while surrounded by bystanders who see what is happening but then do nothing.
It is about making you are proactively preventing sexual assault, abuse and harassment by educating yourself on issues surrounding consent and alcohol consumption, helping everyone while on a night out.
The Four D’s are different methods you can use to support someone being harassed, emphasize that harassment is not okay, and demonstrate to people in your life that they too have the power to make our communities and workplaces safer.
We understand you might find stepping up to be hard and aren't comfortable with it, but you can’t just assume someone else will step in.
We ask you to make better decisions when it comes to sexual consent.
We ask you to be an ethical bystander when you witness sexual behaviour that is not acceptable.
We ask you to call out your mates when their attitudes and behaviour towards sex and consent is out of line.